Covid-19 Made Me Smarter

Rebecca Dutton

Currently over 4,700 covid-19 deaths in New Jersey have occured in long-term-care facilities so
I am very motivated to do what it takes to stay in my home.  For example, my cleaning lady has not come for 6 weeks because of the pandemic.  When I smelled dust and started to sneeze I felt compelled to try vacuuming until it is safe for Isabel to be in my home for two hours.

I vacuumed years ago so I already knew 2 tricks.  (1) Vacuuming is exhausting because it requires stepping forwards and backwards abruptly a hundred times so I vacuum only one room a day.
(2)  I knew tripping on the cord was a huge fall hazard.  Thankfully I can hold the cord out of my way.  I rest the cord in my partially curled hemiplegic fingers and use shoulder abduction to hold the cord away from my body.

I discovered 2 new tricks to make vacuuming easier.  (3)  I do not step forwards and backwards.
I stand still and move the vacuum forward and backwards only one arm’s length.  Then I take two steps sideways to clean a two-vacuum wide path before moving forward.  Most of my falls have happened when I step backwards but I feel stable when I step sideways.  (4)  Instead of vacuuming in parallel rows the way people cut grass, I start by vacuuming around the perimeter of the room and gradually work towards the center.  Making 90 degree turns is easier than 180 degree turns.