Recovery takes resilience, patience and support.
Developing a Stroke Support System for South Africa



Stellenbosch University is looking for participants for an exciting research project.

I would like to invite you to participate in a research project that focuses on

  Developing a Stroke Support System for South Africa (SA)

SU HREC Ethics Reference Number S20/01/025 (PhD)

The first part of the study is a needs assessment (via interviews) with stroke survivors and their carers in SA.

This information will help us understand the unique health, rehabilitation, support, and information needs after stroke, of both parties.

Understanding what you needed and how you tried to get help, will guide us when developing a suitable support system.

 This invitation is open to people who meet the following criteria:

·         Adults above 18 years old

·         Permanent residents of South Africa

·         People who had a stroke within the last 12-24 months (1-2 years) and their carers or family. 

What can be expected?

·         We would like to do a 45–60minute interview to discuss your experiences after stroke.

·         Each conversation will be private and cover how you tried to get help and information.

·         More details will be shared with those who are interested in participating.

 If you are interested to know more or to participate, please contact me via Email or WhatsApp or SMS and I will call you back:

Gakeemah Inglis-Jassiem


Cell. 0817451901

NB! You are welcome to send me a “please call me” message.

 Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further question.

Thank you for your participation.

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