What It Was Like Taking Dance Lessons With Cerebral Palsy

When my boyfriend suggested signing us up for a dance lesson at the local dance studio, I felt hesitant. Aside from just under two years…

The 'Paper Plane' Journeys That Help Me Cope With Multiple Sclerosis

What do you do when you don’t fit in the box? When you are not like everyone else? How do you find solace? Everything and…

How to Be a Good Pet Parent (Even When Your Depression Makes It Hard)

Having an emotional support animal is very helpful for a lot of people’s mental health. It’s a source of unconditional love, goofy antics, and cuddles…

A Cell Phone Which Became a Lifeline to the Outside World

I’m taking a break from talking directly about strokes and other TBIs to discussing something related. We take for granted credit cards and Kleenex if…

Stroke and Gut: There’s a Connection

I have a sensitive stomach, and ever since my stroke, more sensitive, which I didn’t think was possible. I wanted to know WHY! In other words, is there…

Staying Out of a Nursing Home

Today I got a splinter in my sound hand as I walked down my front steps while holding onto a wooden railing.  Thank God I…