Recovery takes resilience, patience and support. Recovery takes resilience, patience and support.
Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!

Hi {name}


In celebrating international stroke day, what better way than officially launch the Strokefocus mobile app.

The Stroke Survivors Foundation is collaborating with US based Strokefocus and American support organizations to help develop the mobile app.


What you have installed and played with so far is a soft launch version, which is rolled out to gather input and expose problems to fix.


We have been running the soft launch version for almost 7 months. In the process, we are very lucky to have enlisted the help of a world class lead developer / system architect from Brazil, Rafael to help us optimize the coding and architecture of the app.


Under the leadership of Rafael, the tech team went through hundreds of iterations.


As of this morning, a much more optimized version of the app is certified and published.


The official version is available for download in both Android and iOS stores. Scan the QR code and you will be directly to the app installation page.


When installing the official version, please first uninstall the soft launch version of your current version.


As you have already signed up on the PDSS Program, found on Stroke Survivors Foundation website, you can simply log in to the app with your existing username and password details, as your details remain the same as the one you chose when you signed up.


Or you can use your email as the user name.


Scan the QR code and if you are struggling to login, watching the below tutorials may assist. 

Tutorial 1: Create a new account


Note: In most cases, you do not need to use the mobile app to create an account again as you have already registered with us. You can use the same username and password you chose in registration to log into this app, as soon as your account is approved.

Tutorial 2: Reset password


You forgot your password? No problem. Follow this tutorial to reset the password. And you only need to enter this email you are using now.

Tutorial 3, Find a member and connect with him / her.

Just follow this tutorial and connect with a member.

Remember you can only have a one on one chat with someone who has accepted your friend request on the app.

Tutorial 4: Join a support group

You can join any listed support group and talk to people in the group through the app. Follow this tutorial.

Tutorial 5: Aphasia card

This is a function requested by some of you. The tech team worked overtime to implement it.

Imagine you are in a stressful situation, like being stopped by a police officer and you need to explain your disability to the officer. You can display the aphasia card. Follow the tutorial.

Should you have any problems, please call on number below.


George Scola

The Stroke Survivors Foundation

Landline: +27 (0)10 006 5656



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The Stroke Survivors Foundation (NPO Number: 083-885) | Tel: 010 006 5656
Copyright 2020 - Powered by Strokefocus