Recovery takes resilience, patience and support. Recovery takes resilience, patience and support.
Adapt, Improvise, Overcome!



New support groups!

Calling all stroke survivors and carers/family members!

The Stroke Survivors Foundation is very pleased to
announce that in line with our new plans for 2024, we have entered into a collaboration with Nurture Health.
aim is to offer stroke support groups hosted at their nationwide post-acute rehabilitation centres.

We are commencing the year by holding the following support groups and invite all stroke survivors and their family members or carers to join our support group meetings at the following Nurture Health centers:


Tea, coffee and snacks will be provided.


We look forward to seeing stroke survivors and their support structure at the stroke support groups!

For further information, WhatsApp 082 306 3214

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The Stroke Survivors Foundation (NPO)
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